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Safe Re-opening Singapore after Circuit Breaker

The Government will allow the gradual resumption of businesses, in phases, with effect from 2 June 2020. The rule for re-opening will be adopting safe management measure and technology.

Q: Will all the business in Singapore resume activities after Circuit Breaker?
No, government will only allow gradually restart its economy in three phases over the next several months. Safe re-opening will be over three phases. Phase One of this approach involves the safe re-opening of economic activities that do not pose high risk of transmission. Phase Two, there will be more activities resume. However, Singapore can only move into this phase if community transmission rates remain low and stable over the subsequent weeks from Phase One, and the dormitory situation remains under control. Phase Three, in this phase, then Singapore would have reached a new normal. We will likely remain at this state until an effective vaccine or treatment is developed.

What areas can be re-opened in Phase One?
Phase One safe re-opening covers four areas:

  • Safe work
  • Safe Home and Community
  • Safe School
  • Safe Care

What is “Safe work” in Phase One?
It refers to those business that operate in setting in lower transmission risks, which including:

  • Most manufacturing and production facilities, like semiconductors and medical technology and most business with employees working in offices and do not require interactions with large group of people, like finance & insurance, IT & information services. However, tele-commuting must be adopted, this means those who have been working from home so far should keep doing so, and employees should go  to the office only where demonstrably necessary, like to access some systems which cannot be assessed from home. In addition, employers must put in place and enforce safe management measures at the workplace, and employees must adhere strictly to them.
  • Most retail shops and other personal services will not re-open in Phase One. Dining in at F&B shop is not allowed and only selected services, e.g motor vehicle, aircon serving, basic pet grooming services, school bookshops and retails shops selling school uniform will be allowed to resume. Hair salon will also be allowed to resume offering all hairdressing services.

What is “Safe Home and Community”?
Visiting  parents or grandparents who are not staying with their sons and daughters will be allowed. However, every household should limit such visits to only one per day. Marriage solemnisations involving up to 10 persons will be allowed and place of worship can re-open for private worship, with up to 5 members of the same household praying together. Wakes and funerals with no more than 10 persons at any one time, Sports will remain closed.

What is “Safe School”?
Preschools will gradually re-open by levels, with full resumption by 10 Jun. Primary and Secondary schools will rotate weekly, alternating between Home-Based Learning and returning to school for lessons. Junior Colleage and Millennia Institute will return school at any one time with some rotation of students as well. The institutes of Higher learning like polytechnics and universities students will remain online class, and only return school for practical and lab sessions.

All staff and students will need to wear masks or face shields when in schools or on campus.

What is “Safe Care”?
Healthcare services such as specialist outpatient services, medical procedures, community-based services will resume. Preventive health services such as flu vaccinations will recommence. Complementary healthcare services will resume for one-to-one sessions, and Traditional Chineses Medicine (TCM) needle acupuncture will be allowed for all conditions. Current measures limiting the scope of senior services will remain in order to protect our seniors. Community-based centre services for persons with disabilities will also gradually re-open to serve those who need the services, with safe distancing measures in place.




