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Taxation - Taiwan


Land Value Tax Return

When does land value tax start to be levied each year in Taiwan? Will there be penalties for overdue payment of land value tax?
Land value tax is levied once a year, and the payment period is from November 1st to November 30th each year, and the tax period is from January 1st to December 31st each year. If land value tax is overdue, a late payment fee of 1% of the tax amount will be levied every 3 days.

How is the land value tax levied on road land that is free for public use in Taiwan?
The road land that is used for public passage without compensation and does not belong to the legal open space that should be reserved for building houses, if it is verified to be true, the land value tax can be exempted during the period of use.

Can local tax collection agencies take the initiative to reduce or exempt land value tax for private roadways in Taiwan?
Since the local tax collection agency does not have private roadway landowners expressing their willingness to provide free use information, there is no way to take the initiative to reduce or exempt the land value tax, and the landowner still has to apply for the reduction or exemption.

My neighbor and I have about the same land size in Taiwan. Why is there a difference of 4 or 5 times in land value tax?
A: The land value tax is divided into the general land tax rate and the self-use residential land tax rate. The basic tax rate for general land use is 10/1000, and the applicable tax rate will be progressively levied from 10/1000 to 55/1000 depending on the total land price of the land owner in the same county or city. As for the tax rate of self-use residential land, the tax rate of 2 per thousand is applicable. The tax rate is low and not progressive. Therefore, the difference between the land value tax rate of self-use residential land and general land is more than 4 times.

The residential house in Taiwan is already taxed at the household tax rate. Is it possible to levy the land value tax at the residential land tax rate for the land without applying again?
A: The basis for levying house tax at the household tax rate for houses is the House Tax Regulations, while the basis for levying land value tax at the self-use residential land tax rate is the Land Tax Law. The laws and applicable conditions are different, so the house has been Housing tax is levied at the residential tax rate, and land value tax can be levied at the self-use residential land tax rate only after the application for land is still required.




